so, we're back home, and glad to be here. we did, however, have a wonderful and super busy time. i wish we'd have taken more pictures! hannah has now shown off her scooter skills to every body, so she needed a new trick: grabbing her feet. she does it all the time now. i think she has so much fun she forgets to scoot. and yes, she's barebottomed. it's my mom's trick (though i'm sure others do it too). give them a little time each day to air out, and you'll avoid diaper rash. it is kind of like having puppy, though. i have to follower her around with paper towels!
so we've decided to start solid foods. Just kidding. patrick isn't a big fan of our lettuce (apparently i planted it to soon, so it sprouted, and now it's really bitter.), so he gave it to hannah. and she now puts everything in her mouth.
last night was a milestone: she played with a toy. (of course, in her mouth)
so this is how i found her after her (5 min.) nap today. not quite sure how that happened.
almost ready to crawl!
like i said, everything in her mouth. patrick does such a great job of holding her during dinner so i can actually eat with 2 hands and nothing in my lap. i have to say, it is so amusing (in a sweet way) to hear my 110% testosterone filled husband followed EVERY SINGLE WORD with a W. as in toesy woesy. nappy wappy. bathy wathy. you get the point :-) i had to tell him it was starting to get old, though.
so, we lost. but i did have a great time with my family at the panthers game. lar came in from boston, but she was taking the picture.
i know she's unhappy, but i had to get a picture of my cheerleader. i know it doesn't look like it, but she did really well, despite the noise and no nap.
this is the best picture i was able to get, with 3 squirmy little ones. this is my beautiful niece and nephew, kennedy (3) and parker (1). i know it's cliche, but seriously, they grow up so fast. thankfully we'll be seeing them again at christmas.
it was also so great to have lunch with my sisters. and the good Lord made Hannah sleep through the entire thing. i had so much fun, we hadn't done that in a long time. we do miss our family. i'll have pictures soon from the crisp family thanksgiving.
i'm glad you had a good trip to charlotte! wow, hannah looks different everytime you post's crazy how fast she changes! we can't wait to see you guys this week!
Thanks for the updates! Somehow your site got kicked off my blog feed - so I missed these last three!!! I'm catching up though.
I think she's got that foot-holding thing down pat. :)
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