so i'm not sure where she learned it, but my daughter has an absolute perfect pout. (granted, this is a bad angle, but whatever!) how she gets that lower lip out so far is beyond me.
thanks to grandma jan who brought back this adorable outfit from Europe. it was just in time for chilly (at least as far as we texans are concerned) weather.
she just melts my heart. I get to see this all day! (and all night, sometimes. that's not quite so special. :-)
we have to leave around 7.30 for work, so sometimes she's still asleep and patrick just puts her straight in the car seat. those are the easy mornings!
this is my goodlooking husband in one of the airplanes he hopes to be selling. we're still talking to them, but no definite word yet.
a little big, but maybe she'll grow into it this winter. nothing too exciting going on, just wanted to let you all know how we're doing. she's mobile now. if you put her on the floor, she uses her feet to scoot around on her back. i've thought of strapping a rag to the back of her head so she can mop the floor for me. (hey, start them young, right?) she moves all over the place, until she runs into a wall. kind of like those vacuums that go by themselves. then you turn her around so she can go the other way. this morning i put her on the bathroom floor (moderately clean!) while i took a shower and patrick found her stuck behind the trash can. and she has that baby bald spot on the back of her head, it looks like you ripped off a name tag or something. she talks alot, and she can push herself all the way up on her arms. she also grabs on to everything. she keeps pulling the speaker cord out of the computer, actually.
we (hannah and i) are going to NC this weekend to see my sister for her birthday. then it's almost thanksgiving! hope you are all doing well. we'll get more pictures soon.
Too cute!!!
She MUST get the pout from Patrick, right?
I hate that I can't see her at this age. She really is starting to look more like a Crisp...sorry Rosenburgh half. But maybe she'll have a Canadian accent, eh?
Me again.
I'm at work and just had to check the site again to see those new pictures one more time!
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