these are in no particular order. i'm in a rush :-) so, one night we decided to go to a neighbouring town to look at christmas lights. we'd gotten quite a bit of snow, but figured the roads would be ok. we figured wrong. halfway there, we got stuck behind an accident. hannah doesn't like the car in the best of the times, and it's especially bad when we stop. so pretty soon, she starts crying. then screaming. then hyperventilating. i really wanted to take her out, but with the weather, i thought she was safer in her seat. we tried playing catch phrase to pass the time. then it started to smell bad. then really bad. we finally did a u turn right there on the highway. when we got home and took her out, she was covered in poop. covered. her great grandma jan and nana put her right in the sink for bath. good times.

her first time down a slide. patrick broke his wrist (or hand or arm or something) on this when he was little.

great grandpa alvin crisp

i'm not sure david has decided what he wants to be called yet, but i call him the amazing get hannah to sleep person. we didn't hear any crying we just look over and she's asleep. 2 days in a row!

hannah's first snow. (she slept through most of it, as well as through her first thanksgiving .)

brett, jess, patrick and i went fourwheeling. bad idea. it was beyond cold. my toes froze, just like skiing.

brett and jes.

the crisp grandparents. (Hannah's wardrobe in this and all other photos provided by auntie meghan and kennedy. many thanks!)

great grandma jan, hannah's new best friend.

uncle brett, entertainer of the year

the requisite thanksgiving afternoon football watching.

my family

the other side of my family

day after thanksgiving leftovers.

my little aviator baby. she does pretty well on the plane.

greatgrandma loretta and hannah

a great grandpa who can get down on the floor and roll around with hannah!

patrick, david, des, brett, jes

hannah opened her first christmas present and very stereotypically had more fun playing in the wrapping.
we're making good progress on the job front!