so yes, here we are. i saw this picture and wondered if i had accidentally stretched out the picture. but no, that's the real thing! but every day is one day closer, right? has to be!!!!
thankfully i've been moderately busy, doing things like organizing his room. after this picture, i even found a few more bags of clothes in other closets!
so, today Hannah climbed out of her crib. Finally, we didn't find something out by accident! so we decided to move her to the big girl bed that's been sitting in the garage. I know, alot of transition. might as well get it over with, right? on the left is all the friends she wanted to take to her new bed with her.
she had a great time playing in it for awhile, which i hope she got out of her system before bed tonight.
and the big moment: first night in the big girl bed. so far it's going well! i think naptime will be more difficult.
helping grandma push the stroller to the park. me attempting to play with her on the ground!
she has also taken to climbing up on the bathroom counter, all by herself. not really thrilled about that one.
playing playdough with daddy.
enjoying grilled corn. she finished off everybody else's after they were done.
so, ever since my mom got here, i've heard hannah calling someone other than me constantly. it's kind of nice! the left is dress up, the right is a coat my mom made. i can't wait for cooler weather!
so, the potty training is going really well. we haven't tackled naps or nighttime yet, but the days are great. we haven't had an accident since last week. such a big girl :-( it's a good thing i'm having another baby. or at least that's what they tell me. I don't have a whole lot to say right now, we are definitely distracted. so, we'll let you know whenever we have news!
I wish I could see her (and you, for that matter) in person. You and your mom look so much alike! And that coat is beautiful.
Still wearing my Charlie bracelet and praying!
I love that the baby-gaga thing says "I should be hear by now". I guess you probably don't think it's that funny...sorry!
Have fun nesting - praying that things go smoothly!
Thanks for your amazing blog! You look so beautiful Jana even if you are much larger than normal, but I would say that having a baby boy in you is a great excuse! How exciting, the big girl bed?!? She's growing so quickly into the most gorgeous little girl! I hope this is a very special time with you and your mom and the rest of the family...
Oh, and I love the family picture of you three (or four) beside hannah's bed! It's a great one!
Love you and miss you! Praying for you!
You look so great pregnant!! :-)
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