so these were actually our group goodbye pictures, but they're first. we had a wonderful time in beautiful spacious haviland ks. the only drawback was my munchkin refusing to sleep. she was having too much fun with everybody, and we spent a couple nights more awake than asleep. one, especially, will go down in my and patrick's memory for eternity. she was awake from 11-4. in the morning. now just awake, but bouncing off the walls crazy throwing toys and food awake. it's a long story. call me if you're bored. :-)
some family got an rv recently, and we spent some time out at their spot, relaxing and riding fourwheelers. yes, i did too, but just a little bit. apparently i was the only one concerned about it. but what if it rolled over and squished me? i know meghan would agree!
hannah and daddy tearin it up.
hannah bonded instantly with uncle brett and aunt jes, even though it's been 6 mos since she's seen them. it was so neat to see her so easily get close to people, and ask about them when they aren't there.
patrick, supported by his entourage of family members killed a snake for the neighbours. then yes, he picked it up. eewwww.
so sometimes people ask me if we're vegetarian. i've even gotten vegan. oh my, no. and just in case any doubts, here are some candids of my two favourite people!

we visited the cemetery to decorate gravestones for memorial day. on the right is grandpa vic's, who passed away 3 yrs ago, before hannah was even a thought. on the left it says Charles M Asher. one of the highlights about this trip, for me, was getting to know this man, Grandma Loretta's father, better. it's very important to us because we have chosen Charles Asher Crisp to bestow upon our newest family member. He was a great man who died fairly young, and I will tell you more about him later! but now you can get to know our little in utero friend and start calling him charlie. hannah does all the time :-)

speaking of hannah, oh my goodness she's such a little girl. no more baby. i cannot believe how much she's talking. (today she picked up my phone and said "hi Meghan. how are you? i'm reading curious george." unfortunately meghan wasn't actually on the phone). and as you can see, we can put her hair up! we did a whalespout just for kari, too.
we visited the cemetery to decorate gravestones for memorial day. on the right is grandpa vic's, who passed away 3 yrs ago, before hannah was even a thought. on the left it says Charles M Asher. one of the highlights about this trip, for me, was getting to know this man, Grandma Loretta's father, better. it's very important to us because we have chosen Charles Asher Crisp to bestow upon our newest family member. He was a great man who died fairly young, and I will tell you more about him later! but now you can get to know our little in utero friend and start calling him charlie. hannah does all the time :-)
speaking of hannah, oh my goodness she's such a little girl. no more baby. i cannot believe how much she's talking. (today she picked up my phone and said "hi Meghan. how are you? i'm reading curious george." unfortunately meghan wasn't actually on the phone). and as you can see, we can put her hair up! we did a whalespout just for kari, too.
she actually didn't do terribly in the car. didn't sleep a wink on the whole 9 hrs up there, though. i invested in new toys, which we didn't even do for christmas. but it was definitely more important now, i think. she's holding a camera that makes noise. today she was going around telling all of her toys to smile while she took pictures of them.
I love the pigtails!! She's so cute.
And I'm anxious to hear more about the man behind Charlie's name.
You guys look great. I'm so happy you got to go see family and deepen those relationships.
Love, K
I know you don't know us...but we are Brett & Jes' friends...just wanted to say it was HILARIOUS the picture of Brett behind Patrick with the shotgun!
We had such a great time with you on the trip! Miss you already! Love you!!!
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