Thursday, August 21, 2008

ice cream vs. mung beans

so, everyone knows patrick and i have our differences. alot of them :-). that's why we make such a great couple and potentially great parents, because between the two of us, we have almost everything covered. but then there's this pesky compromise issue. . . :-)
Patrick has compromised a great deal for me. really, he has. in lots of areas, but i'm referring to our food right now. often times he'll scrounge around for quite a while in the kitchen/freezer/pantry, and later i'll see him eating raisins right out of the box because that's all he could find. (in my defense, i do like to bake, which i do fairly often. as a matter of fact he just finished off a batch of oatmeal cookies, which are his favourite. we go to marble slab pretty often, and i sometimes come home with treats like honey nut cheerios. so dont' feel too sorry for him.) but i do try to keep the hard to resist food out of reach, as in still at the grocery store. this is as much for him as it is for me, because i have been known to eat an entire package of double stuffed oreos in, oh, two days. anyways, tonight the pickings were pretty spare in the crisp larder. i did, however, have strawberries, grapes and cherries all washed and ready to go. apparently not appealing enough to all parties :-). i had gone to the healthfood store to get the bulk grains and beans i use for hannah's food, so we had bags of pearly barley, buckwheat, and mung beans on the counter. skipping some of the story, it came down to my poor starving husband trying to get a spoon into the canister of plain old sugar on the counter and me standing in front of him with the bag of mung beans, offering another option. sort of kidding, but almost. except i was offering the cherries. (i also volunteered to go out to get anything he wanted, but he said no.) so he's instituting a new rule: we must always have dessert in the house, it doesn't matter what form it takes. i said ok, as long as it's homemade. thankyou, Jessica Seinfeld. Deceptively Delicious, here we come! :-) i love you patrick. thanks for putting up with me.


Senegal Daily said...

Nice :)

I can totally see this scene in my head. We have the same battle, but sometimes he's the healthy one and sometimes I am. We just never seem to be on the same food-wavelength at the same time.

So for sweets we eat a lot of fruit-based cobblers and crumbles. (And I always have a bar of 70% dark chocolate in case of emergencies.)

mrs. darling said...

This is hilarious! I think this exact scene happens in our home at least once a week. I am fanatical about buying whole, healthy foods and Chad is wandering around the kitchen looking for something to eat besides fruit or veggies. My compromise: there is always ice cream in our fridge.

Can you share some of your favorite recipes?!?

Anonymous said...

Good words.