so an hour ago when i started this process i was really motivated, and now i just want to go to bed! but because i know there are hundreds and hundreds of you that just can't sleep until you read our blog, i dont' want to let you down! :-) we're back from nc, we had a good but very busy trip. patrick's been gone pretty much all week, and i'm working pretty full time now, so it's been a blur. poor hannah baby, she's just along for the ride. to start off my commentary, my mom found out she likes watermelon. i think she ate her weight in watermelon. we've also expanded her gastronomic horizons to include bulgur, black beans, edamame, pears, strawberries, blueberries, spinach, cheerios and goldfish.
i 86ed the corn, because apparently that's too hard for her to digest. on that note, please, anybody that's done this before, give me advice! i don't know what i'm doing. i prefer she not eat much meat, but she doesn't drink enough to meet all her nutritional needs, so she needs to eat more than fruits and vegetables. hence the grains and beans, but i'm not sure if that's ok for her this early. i don't want to just give her baby cereal, because that's kind of nutritionally empty. oh, now on that note (i know, it's a whole forest of rabbit trails when you read my blog) i'm reading a book called in defense of food, which is really good. basic premise: good health and disease prevention isn't about this individual vitamin or that low-fat/cholesterol or something. food is more than the sum of its parts. just eat real, old fashioned food. not fat free cheese or sugar free oreos. keep moving. and chances are, you'll come out ok. anyways, moving on
mom brought down the rocking horse from christmas, and she fits in it better now
yes it was mother's day. no, i didn't get a picture with my darling. there's always next year :-)
in the pool at dad's with kennedy and parker. hannah did really well. i think it was the noise she didn't like at the beach.
she looks so big!!!
my munchkin. i fall more in love with her every day. you would too, if you were here.
my two favourite people.
you know, there are so many things i would love to share. lots of other people have themes on their blog, or at least things they talk about. other than my family, there isn't a whole lot here. that definitely isn't because i don't care about anything. on the contrary, i care alot (too much, patrick would say :-) about a great many things. i just don't take the time and energy to write it down for the world to see. the other day, i finally washed my kitchen floor, and there was squashed sweet potato under the high chair that had been there for oh, a good 2 wks, i think. (mom, i hope you aren't reading this!) at the point, i officially rescinded any and all criticisms i have ever made about mothers and housekeeping. i have only one, and i dont' even work full time. yet the sweet potato remains.
speaking of working, this is why it took me awhile to share my job news, because then i have to feel silly when i tell you all that i was wrong, or they were, or somebody was, because i do not have a new job. not yet. maybe not every. they sort of changed their minds. so, it's back to the drawing board. i can continue where i am for another month, but then they're moving. they're a handful, being so close together. i don't know how parents of multiples do it. i have friends who're having twins for their first ones, and my prayers are with them! it's just hard.
anyways, i will have pictures of the real purpose of our nc trip whenever my sister sends them to me. patrick's promised me we're going to paint this weekend. so maybe i'll have pictures of our decorated bedrooms soon!
1. I like the new blog colors and layout.
2. I LOVE her little bow :) Too cute.
3. I'm so glad you guys have been able to spend some time with family.
4. Hope you enjoy your chocolates!
I'm revealing myself as an internet stalker. My little girl had lots of problems gaining weight, so I kinda learned how to hid calories in the stuff she ate. Mixing the cereal with stuff she likes or that is more nutritious is one way to do it. I used to just mix the baby rice powder into a jar of food. Also have you been giving her yogurt? Lily loved (and still loves) that. That's my baby advice!
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