it hasn't been nearly as bad as it used to, but after two hours of trying to fall asleep, i gave up. so here i am, 1 am. but you know what that means? i am totally allowed to splurge on starbucks on the way to work tomorrow. after lar's graduation we went out for breakfast at the pewter rose, our favourite brunch place. hannah didn't have a bib, so we tied a napkin on her.

yes i know my eyes are closed, and half of us aren't looking at the camera. but hey, we did our best.

my mom is downsizing in preparation for moving, so she brought alot of stuff for us to fight over. it was a long night, but i hope we all went away happy!
hannah with her new dolly. we're calling it lama. as in dolly lama. :-) ok, this'll be my only soapbox this time: i just went to target and got the cheapest one i could find. it came with a toy bottle, which i threw away. (they all did, as a matter of fact.) the other day we were watching a sesame street movie about a family that has a new baby. the day they bring it home from the hospital, they start giving it a bottle. is this because they think it would be inappropriate to have a nursing mother on a children's show? heaven forbid. it isn't like the 4 yr olds watching it are going to be embarassed, they don't care. (trust me: i've nursed in front of quite a few little children by now, and they dont' care.) possibly no one wants to have to explain it to them, because then the adults will be embarassed? or maybe it's because so many people dont' anyways, so it's a more accurate representation to have bottlefed babies in the media? i would say that's a chicken and the egg thing, then. but really. it isn't that big of a deal, people. so stop trying to brainwash my child to think that it's normal just because for some reason the real normal embarasses you. (can you tell i feel strongly about this?) moving on.
hannah (who is now quite the walker, btw!) has this cute but frustrating habit of hanging on your leg. and she wont' let you move. you have to drag her. really fun when you're trying to make supper, of course. but for once she was doing it to patrick. yeah! and i have to throw in here, i was having a super stressful day today. hannah doesn't sleep much at all at our babysitting house, so when we're there full time it's rough. and pretty much everyone who's around me knows i am really really really serious about hannah's sleeping. (some would say too much, family?) so she was screeching up a storm as i was trying to get her to sleep for the third time today. patrick came over to get something out of the car, and i told him to go in and calm her down. so instead, he just takes her with him. yes, i was hannah-free for 2.5 blessed hours! he took her home and believe it or not, got her to take a nap. that's a special man, folks.
not sure if anyone else has tried to do this before, but let's just say it didn't work out very well. not unless we wanted hannah fingerprints all over our new walls. who knew her arms were so long?
so i've started letting her wear make up. just kidding. she did, however, start eating beets.
hannah in a new dress from nana. yes, i have to say it again, she's so cute! (now if only that hair would grow. . . )
I can't believe how big she's getting. Those eyes just kill me.
Insomnia again, eh? Does Patrick stay up with you and y'all walk around with butcher knives...or was that just a you-and-me thing?
Thanks for posting. The pictures and stories are such a great way to fell connected to you guys!
i guess the whole babies with bottles thing is just what has become our culture's "normal"...whether it is good or bad, I don't know, but it seems that is the case. You also mentioned the "real normal". I guess you could say that the "real normal" is for women not to shave or for people not to wear deodorant, which in other cultures still is considered normal. I guess my thought is just that it is interesting how every culture forms its own version of normal, or accepted behavior. Whether any of it is how God intended, who knows? I guess that's why he gives each of us the freedom/ability to respond to his direction in our individual lives. I sure am glad that I don't have to conform to everything that is considered normal in our culture today!
on a different note...we're so excited to see you guys! Hannah is so precious and I'm sure she has way more personality than we we saw her at Thanksgiving!
Yey!! I found your blog! It's going to take me years to catch up on what's going on with you guys. I understand what you're going through with the nursing thing. I think the bottle might be a throw back to when people didn't nurse. (I know that sounds funny, since that's the way God made us.) But I've talked to so many people who said that when they had children, people just didn't nurse. They all used bottles. Hannah is getting really big! How old is she now?
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