I know its been a long time, and I truly am sorry, although we have been slightly distracted over the past few weeks as we continue to figure out what to do with this baby that lives in our house. Overall, I think things are going better. Hannah has had some
difficulty with nursing, and has politely expressed her frustration to us over this past week. To her relief, we have taken her suggestions to heart, made a few minor changes, and things seem to be going much better!
Jana is
definitely more the talker, so I will try to get her to get on here later and give you all more details concerning the day to day
activities. However, for those visual
communicators out there....here is some instant gratification. Enjoy.
Hannah's first outing. It's 105 degrees, buts she's bundled up none the less.

Where else would we go? Starbucks of course.
P.S. Hannah's beautiful, but Jana's Hot!

Jana taking Hannah for a walk.

The new family out and about.

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