so, I (Jana) have a few minutes! I kind of feel guilty for doing this, because there are a hundred other things i should be using this time for. oh well. I'm in the middle of making cookies, as well. My husband told me to not waste time on ironing but to do something productive, like make cookies. You've got to love him :-). so these are old, but patrick worked so very hard at making the nursery perfect for me, i wanted to acknowledge him. (i made him change the paint colour 3 times. after he had already painted it.) it is absolutely wonderful, and i am so thankful.
patrick took us to the lake for my birthday. this is our last pre-baby picture. ever. kind of wierd.
the past few weeks have been incredibly stressful and frustrating, and my sweet husband wanted us to have a family day off, so he borrowed a boat, we packed a lunch, and off we went. (he also got me a spa gift certificate. that's why i want to make him cookies :-).

i'm not sure if patrick put this one up already. even if he did, it's worth seeing twice.

no to say that it's been easy. it's actually been significantly harder than i expected. they mean it when they tell you you won't have any free time. you honestly can't even take a shower some times. and there are nights where they wake up every hour. and you look out the window wondering if the world is still there because life for you has stopped, every day and night running into each other. but it's worth it. i would do anything for this child. i would give anything to this child. she has already changed my life.
last thing: i must add that our birth was absolutely wonderful. don't get me wrong; it was still 5 hours of excruciating pain, but other than that, it was wonderful. we had a natural birth at home with a midwife, and i cannot say enough about how that was the best thing. there were no complications, but even if there had been, the midwife is very experienced and trained to deal with alot. if she can't, the hospital's never far away, and there's enough time. so if you are pregnant, or will be, or the husband of someone who will be, don't overlook this option or write it off as wierd and scary. do your research, and you'll be glad you did. also, don't believe everything the doctor tells you :-). it's your body, and your baby, you make the decisions.