Friday, September 18, 2009

random pictures

chillin in the bassinet

skin to skin

almost a smile

uh, daddy, you're squishing my face

after the bath

he was starting to smell :-)

i'm so cute you can't even be mad when i wake up every 2 hrs!

doing prints for his babybook

he was pretty mellow the whole time

his first ever piece of mail: SS card, so he's an official person!

he seems to be hungry all the time. whenever i kiss him on the cheek, i guess he thinks he's going to eat because he turns his mouth to me and ends up giving me a kiss back. a very open mouth kiss!

hannah loves the pouty face/happy face game. she pouts, then someone says "happy face" and she breaks out this big silly smile and laughs. patrick is trying to teach charlie pouty face.

yes, i have two children. it doesn't really feel as big of a deal as i thought it would when i was younger. kind of seems matter of fact.

so thankful for the grandparents to be here for hannah!

i may have put this picture up before, don't remember. but i like it.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

meet my newest baby

I've only known him for a few days, so I don't know him very well yet. but what i do know, i wanted to share with you all!
  • he's the cutest baby in the world
  • he has very kissable cheeks
  • he loves having his hands up by his face (he even came out that way, actually, one hand at his face. yeah, that was fun :-)
  • he often tries to suck on his hands, but can't quite manage to co ordinate with his thumb.
  • he periodically makes squeaky noises
  • he likes to be held upright better than horizontal
  • he has very dark eyes, and his dark hair is finally drying out
  • he has tiny little scrawny legs that look disproportionate to the rest of his body
  • he has big, although skinny, hands and feet
  • he has no hiney so his diaper always fall down and he wets through everything
  • he has a big sister that loves him and is very concerned about him and wants to help all the time.
  • he likes his baby papasan chair better than his bassinet. and mommy's bed most of all.
  • he has a few hours of fussy time in the evenings
  • he takes forever to eat (hopefully this will get better after the surgery)
  • his whole body kind of molted in the last few days
  • the boy can cry if you don't get to him fast enough!
  • he is going to change the world

Saturday, September 12, 2009

i'm sorry we haven't been taking pictures, so we don't have much to post. we are having the surgery monday morning, we have to be there at 5.30. am. Two hours before and probably two hours after, for a procedure that will take under ten minutes!

Even once we get that fixed, i'm 95% sure our nursing situation isn't going to be any better with him than it was with Hannah. But no one can tell me I haven't tried this time. It is still hard, but I can look at Hannah and know there is so much more to my being a good mother than being able to nurse. And I have 2 beautiful children to worry about right now, not just one. So, that's the word. On an extra special note, it cooled off enough in TX for us to open our windows tonight!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

I want to be honest and positive at the same time. might be difficult! We have discovered that Charlie is severely tongue tied, which we've been told requires surgery. With general anesthesia. and unfortunately, this may take 2-3 wks to get done. I redoubled my nursing efforts this time around, being more prepared and trying more purposefully. We were going to make progress, I think. But my issues, combined with his issues, let's just say things are not going well. I know everything will work out, and we are just so blessed and grateful to have him and for him to be so perfect and healthy. But this does mean an awful lot to me and we have tried so very hard this time. We will see what happens tomorrow. Not sleeping very much. Me, not him!

My 2 good lookin boys! He doesn't have many awake-not-fussing times, so this was special.

Mom was mostly housekeeper and Hannahkeeper, so she didn't hold Charlie much. I'm surprised I got this picture!
He's been kind of yellow, so I've taken him outside some. I've missed being able to play with my little girl, but thankfully someone else has blown bubbles and drawn chalk pictures with her.
yes, we had our first outing. but now i'm back to hibernating, other than doctors appointments.
He slept through the entire breakfast, which was wonderful!
I am so thankful for Patrick's relationship with Hannah. They are so close.
My family! It makes me cry. (then again, EVERYTHING makes me cry right now :-)
somehow my mom managed to sew Hannah her own apron while she was here. It's a little big, so lots of room to grow. and the other side is a Christmas one. so she'll be all ready to help me.
We haven't taken a third of the pictures we did with Hannah, but here's at least one for the book.

He likes to flop his arms around, and take up lots of space.
At my shower, people wrote things on diapers. This was my favourite.
This was his first few hours of birth. I never wanted Hannah to be an only child, but I never knew exactly how much joy I would feel watching my children together.
The best seat in the house!
she LOVES to hold him. tries to do it herself all the time, actually. so far, no accidents :-)

she wanted to give Charlie stickers, which are some of her favourite things.

Patrick gave me this amazing gift basket he put together himself, that really showed that he knew me. I was so impressed. and believe it or not, i cried :-) He even picked out the ribbon for the bow himself.
My mom remembered Hannah might feel left out, so she had something to open to.

This was the very first day too. When he had to wear a hat, Hannah wanted a hat too. My mom had just gotten her this really cute one for fall, so we pulled it out so they could match.
The crisps weren't coming till monday, but we begged and pleaded, so Des came early! Unless I were to throw Cheerios at Hannah and keep her strapped into a chair in front of the tv, there's no way i could do both right now. So I am incredibly grateful. David will come Monday. Patrick is back at work, unfortunately. But at least it's mostly from home, so i'm not complaining. We'll talk to you all later. thanks for checking.

Friday, September 04, 2009