as usual, these are in no kind of order. we had a wonderful time at north myrtle beach. hannah was really good, and as you can see, we had SO much help.

she really liked the water this time. except for this pesky stingray mating season problem, we swam with her alot.

hannah loved playing with brett and jes. she also got to open an early first birthday present, the hungry hungry hippo. thanks, guys!

brett took family pictures for us.

helping patrick on the way there. hannah does really well in the plane, thankfully.
desiree got me this great book that i can't believe someone hasn't suggested before. it's so me :-). so now hannah eats better than we do. and we 86-ed the cheerios. who knew they have so much sodium?

so we're home and sort of back into the swing of things. my kiddos are on vacation themselves this week, so it's just been me and hannah. i think she misses them, because she no longer plays well by herself! after much deliberation, patrick and i have decided that i'm not going back to work like i was thinking, but i am going to keep watching kids at our house, which works out significantly better than someone else's house. 2 or 3, we hope.
patrick is doing really well at work, they're selling airplanes right and left. sort of. it isn't like cars, so it doesn't take many sales to make us really excited :-).
we joined our church, and are making friends in the sunday school. we have a camping trip planned for pretty soon.
plans for hannah's b-day party are underway too, beginning of august. everybody is invited!

ya'll come back now!
Those fam photos are awesome. (Good work, Brett.) I tried to pick a favorite to comment on, but gave up after about the third photo - and that last one of Hannah-who-can't-possibly-be-almost-a-year is great!
Looking through again...I noticed your glasses. I like all of your specs, but it's true you look more like 'my Jana' to me with these :)
Also - I see Hannah and I have the same 'do in that picture of her in the light blue top. :)
wow...it's hard to believe it's already been 2 weeks since we were at the beach! we had a blast with you guys. we really enjoyed hannah...she's at such a fun age! hopefully it won't be too long 'til we get to see you all again!
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