it seems like the past month or so has just gone by in a blur. we had a really low key easter, then the crisps came to visit, which was really fun. hannah had a nasty ear infection, but she's doing better. she has 2 teeth now, and more are coming soon. she can walk holding onto the couch, too. things are just beautiful here with the azaleas and wisteria all over the place. i've had a few days at my new job now. 3 kids under 2 makes for nobody being bored, that's for sure. just two days a week. patrick will be gone all next week to an air show in florida. that's pretty much it for us right now.

on easter we took a picnic to the park.

we took about a hundred pictures, so here are just a few.

this is one of our favourite

i think she likes the swing. we've only done it a few times.

different day, different park, same precious baby!

last easter seems like just yesterday. so glad hannah's outside the belly in this picture!

chewin on a carrot.
These are so great! I love the fam photos, but actually prefer the casual one. And that floppy hat! Too cute. Think they make them in my size? ;)
We've lef t a few messages since you left TX on your phones but have not heard from you guys. Give us a call or email me at Would love to catch up and visit sometime soon!
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