eating sand. i'm at the point now where as long as she can't choke on it, i don't care. and i figure sand's pretty non toxic, right? i hope. i did try to wash it down with water.
so we're back from our 3 day mini vacation to ft lauderdale. patrick had to take a plane down to a show there, and we got to go. (he leaves tomorrow for the whole week, so we wouldn't have seen him for a long time). the premier national headquarters is in ft lauderdale, so he's there quite a bit. it was neat to see. they have a beautiful office there, or three, actually with three hangers (sp?). i got to meet everyone that i've heard him talk about. hannah did the best she's ever done while travelling. she slept good in the hotel. (that whole sleeping through the night thing didnt' last, though :-(. we were on our own most of the time, which was interesting. she wasn't a huge fan of the beach. actually, i've never seen her more scared. she would hold on for dear life and bury her head in my shoulder if i tried to put her down. she was fine on the mat, just not near the water. i dont' know if it was the noise, or what. we still had fun, though. and i must confess, i'm proud of my new mommy skills, because she's the only one in the bunch who didnt' get sunburnt to a crisp. (get it? ha ha :-)
bathing suit compliments of meghan. i'm going to get one of those body suit things, though. too much work to do the sunscreen constantly.
our self portrait. i love her facial expression.
the fam at the bubba gump shrimp factory.
another self portrait. we tried a 'romantic' walk on the beach after, but by this time it was about 8.30, and let's just say not all of us were amenable to the walk suggestion. we had one party pooper in the bunch.
i should have taken more pictures, it's a beautiful place. called the venice of america, or something. huge mansions along all these canals. it was something else. like i said, patrick goes to louisiana for the week tomorrow. i believe i'm going to have some good news on the job front here soon, but i dont' want to jinx it. actually, i just don't want everybody to know that i'm a miserable failure if they reject me :-). i've started going to women's bible study at our church, and that's been really good. patrick is working, as usual. he's making plans to build an arbor in the back, and i'm super excited about that. things are good. those of you that post, thank you so much. sometimes i wonder if i should take the time to do this if nobody ever looks at it!
I love to check on your blog always anticipating a suprise! Keep up the good work. I don't know how I would survive this long distance grandma thing without your blogging. Your a beautiful family and I am so proud of your "mommy skills"! By the way, David and I have a blog now to. You can check us out at
Love you,
Desiree (Nana)
I found your blog through Kari's and I really like to read updates on your beautiful family. Please keep posting! :)
I read it - keep posting!! I like to keep up with how you're doing :)
Hope the week without Patrick goes quickly!
- Kate :)
Oh my goodness, please keep posting! I love reading about your life and your thoughts on motherhood. Your family is beautiful!
Hey, I got a phone call about you and a job. I tried to talk you up good! Hannah's bathing suit looks sooo cute!
We found your blog through Leigh's. So glad you're doing well! I miss you guys. Hannah's just getting cuter and cuter--wish I could still babysit. =) The new neighbor is allowing me to use his garden for the summer (the one you guys dug). Saves me the trouble of digging my own.
I hope you can come visit Longview someday! We'd love to see you again.
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