Thursday, November 18, 2010

Well, I'm quite sure nobody still checks our blog, but just in case, I thought I'd share another wordy update. I haven't even been taking pictures, so even if it did work, I wouldn't have much to post. FYI, I even tried starting a new blog, and I had problems with that. Do you think it's me?
  • picture of big red truck here. So, Patrick has a work truck! It's really nice, I've ridden in it. He's thrown himself into this new job, I'm so proud of him. He's having to do quite a bit of reorganization, nearly starting from scratch with building clientele. Lots to overcome, but L]limitless opportunity!
  • picture: boxes of kleenex. The whole family has been sick the past few weeks, and I get the prize for the sickest, I think. Colds, and then the stomach flu for a few days. I can only remember a few days in the past 3 years when I absolutely could not take care of my kiddos, and this was one of them. I'm amazed they survived, Charlie not falling down stairs or me not dropping him. Hannah would get out pieces of bread to feed Charlie, and they carried around snacktraps of cereal. Hannah spent her first night away from home!
  • picture: patrick in camo. Patrick went pheasant hunting for the first time, and he did so well, he got 3. (They were good, but I got sick the next day, so it might be a while before I eat them again.) We got him all outfitted, and part of that was waterproof, warm boots. He was gone for 12 hrs, actually hunting for 9 or so. Walking through grass taller than he, lifting those boots, he actually couldn't walk the next day. It was a sorry sight around here. But he had fun.
  • picture: cut up credit cards. We are out of credit card debt! I am excited about this, but it did come at great personal sacrifice, so I am taking it seriously. We still have a Lowe's card, and some leftover from one of Charlie's surgeries, but we're on a roll. (apparently it's called the snowball something or other, thanks to Mr. Dave Ramsey)
  • picture: Hannah stuffing shoeboxes. We actually use the sturdy plastic tubs with the removable lids, but we still call them shoeboxes. This year she's old enough to pick out items to put in them, and then we went online and watched a promo video from Samaritan's Purse. She payed attention really well, but when it ended I was crying so much I couldn't explain more or pray over our boxes. Any opportunity to share Christ's love and message with a hurting child is always amazing, but to share that with my child is special indeed. Some people try to raise children without influencing them one way or another, without pushing their own beliefs on them. I, on the other hand, try to brainwash/indoctrinate my children any chance I get, through any means! Something God said about when you sit down, when you get up, writing it all over your house, etc. She said she wanted to give somebody her box personally. I told her she can, one day!( you can give a box too!)
  • Hannah knows nearly all her letters, and some of the sounds they make. Her numbers came first, maybe she'll be a mathematician instead of a writer. Preschool hasn't been terribly regular these days, but she's doing great anyways. Charlie is getting more teeth, finally. And I'm confident he will walk soon! If you want to see how they're growing, I guess you'll have to come visit.


Jessica said...

We read your blog!!! And love doing so! So sorry to hear you have been sick. Hope you are back to normal! I think it is great that you are brainwashing your kids about how amazing God is... we'll do the same with ours! Way to go with following Dave Ramsey's financial planning! So proud of you both... it takes a lot of discipline to do that. Also, we just sent out our shoebox today. So fun to hear that you guys are far away but we're all taking part in the same thing!

Love you and can't wait to see you in a few days!!!

Professor said...

Me and My World . (; said...

Ĺ‚adny blog . ;)

zapraszam do mnie .

Niki[POST said...

it's very nice)))

Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

HELP!! My history is I want to molest children who are too young to speak.
Just like I did my brothers.
Now my brother likes lesbians and I want transsexuals.

How many times did military pilot suck that little boy's dick? How many times did that pedophile suck that child's penis?? Confused how prostitution works, he let the boy drive his car if the boy let him copulate him. He left the neighborhood before the boy "came of age" so a homosexual pedophile he remains for life. He turned all his brothers into "givers", and one went on to a period of exhibited homosexuality. This mentally ill career military wants his son to have the car in which he first sucked prepubescent penis.
Is there a connection with the transsexual clue with his "wife"?? Is it connected or is this a separate dysfunction?
Was he ever tested? He had a period of sexual promiscuity after enlistment in an attempt to prove he was a man, desperate to erase his history. Did you ever send an attractive tranny to see if he would take the bait?? He did:::His wife!!!
You can only imagine what the military's scathing evaluation of his dysfunctional personality had to say, not to mention what his fellow pilots thought. He had no business being there.
The greeks don't want no freaks. Should have killed himself like he was invited to in his movie.
The pedophile wants to reach up her dress and fondle her penis.

Junaid Effendi said...


visit mine!