Saturday, October 03, 2009

contrary to my regular nature, i refuse to make apologies for taking so long to update. it is what it is, and we're doing our best! we had company for 5 wks, and no, i was not too long, in my opinion :-). i appreciated every minute of help. the only thing I was ready to get back was more time with my sweet Hannah. she kind of pushed everybody else around, and we needed to get her butt back in gear. actually, I was missing the relationship. recently, all i'd been was The Enforcer, swooping in when I hear her little attitude from the other room, disrespecting a surprised family member :-). Now that's balanced with good close times again.

above: i love chocolate cake. (it's all about the icing, btw). patrick got me a gourmet Williams Sonoma cake mix, icing, and raspberry filling as part of my gift basket, and we made it together. i must say it was spectacular. alas, i am now back to my prepregnancy routine of less cake, more excersize.

(some of) the grand'rents with the kiddos

she has been doing amazingly well with her new little bro. aside from some rough hugs. no jealousy or acting out at all. she just likes to help all the time. this is a strange 2yr old. the other day she replaced the toilet paper. not on the dispenser, but she got a new roll from under the cabinet and set it up there. and when she took her breakfast bowl to the sink, she took mine too, without being asked. i know adults that don't do that :-). and she's so appreciative. I changed her sheets, and she noticed when she got in bed and said, "thank you for changing my sheets mommy!" we finally put the crib in what has been a well-used guest room, and all my fears about her missing her crib were unfounded. she is so excited to share her baby bed with charlie. even though he's still in our room. i'd like to get him down to only waking up twice in the middle of the night before i move him away. at 2 am, it feels like a long trek down the hall.

feeding the fish at the park.

i have no caption; she leaves me speechless :-)

yes, i have 2 children. still getting used to saying that.

never have i met a more helpful child. at least, she wants to be! it's often difficult to find a way in which she can help, especially if you're using knives or the stove. but apparently shucking corn was right up her alley. getting to pull things apart!

finally, a full frontal hug! no more of this awkward side hug business. the relief of no more watermelon belly.

yep. it's football season. not much else i have to say about that :-). perhaps i'd have more if our team weren't doing so poorly. but we're loyal nonetheless. patrick got to go the panthers-cowboys game last monday, in the new cowboys stadium, with my dad.

i don't know what you guys, think, but 100% of the people who comment on charlie say he looks like patrick, just like hannah did. or does she still?

The End!
ps. since you may be wondering, yes, charlie's doing well. we're all doing good, just tired. he's so much more mellow than hannah i think they have to be different species. I used to wonder if it was just me that thought she was so difficult, but now i know she really was a super difficult baby. thank the Lord, Charlie is not. He doesn't like to be put down awake, but he wears down really well. almost the second i stick him in the carrier, he's out. i still need to wake him up to eat, in the day. in his second month i hope he'll have more awake time during the day. and maybe sart eating faster.


Jessica said...

I always love reading your blogs!!! The cake looks amazing and you shouldn't feel bad at all about enjoying it. The pictures are amazing and it seems like Hannah and Charlie are doing so well! Still can't wait to meet the little man... Love the pics with the grandparents! As far as who looks like who... I think that as Hannah gets older, the more of you I see in her beautiful face... and yes, I definitely see Charlie as a baby version of Patrick. I bet he'll grow up to be a wonderful blend of his parents too!

Senegal Daily said...

Yay!! I had been hoping for an update, but didn't want to pester you. (I did well, didn't I?)

I think Charlie looks like you! But maybe it's his coloring. In any case, he certainly resembles you.

I loved reading about Hannah helping out! So sweet. What a beautiful heart.

You look amazing. (As does the cake.)

I love the picture of Patrick holding Charlie, watching football. Such a great 'dad' shot.

Y'all take care - and THANK YOU for the update and pictures!!