Wednesday, April 29, 2009

much to my dismay, we have been unable to locate our camera :-(. This is unfortunate, because we have enjoyed some good times together, difficult times notwithstanding. so pretending we did have a camera, here's what i would have shown you pictures of
  1. hannah at the fair. let's just say it was not a pretty sight. she was in a sketch mood to begin with, and we put her on the train by herself, there were no other kids. she had a complete breakdown, it was terrible. and the 'ride technician' wouldn't let me run across the tracks, as it was, to go get her, so we had to wait until it slowed down and she came back around. the poor thing was hysterical. we felt so bad. he gave us our tickets back. long story short, complete waste of time. not so much money, because we resold all our tickets, thankfully. she wouldn't even do the carousel, which she loves. i just stood there holding her, feeling silly. oh well. that's what it's all about, i guess. better luck next year!
  2. big girl panties! yes, ladies and gentlemen, we bought some. but they're going kind of like the pottie: we have them, we tried using them, and said this is too much work, we'll come back to it later. patrick was really motivated to potty train until she had an accident and he cleaned it up :-). she still pulls off her diaper, so we put her in zip up footed pjs for her naps too, which helps. but i know she'll be ready soon.
  3. these i wouldn't have pictures of, and i'm sure she wouldn't do it on video, but they are the most important. she prayed. and i cried. in that order :-). well, ok, i may be exaggerating. since patrick's been home, we've eaten more meals together. the other day, she folded her hands first, then we did, and before you know it, she just busts out with "dear God. . . amen." that was it. but it was the most beautiful prayer i'd ever heard.
  4. she can now do the majority of the alphabet! in order, even. just today she got the last half. and she does it ALL THE TIME. she loves to sing anything. we often sing from the hymnal when i'm putting her to bed, and today she was walking around hugging the hymnal singing her own song.
  5. in lieu of the garden i left in alabama, we bought an honourary tomato plant. two, actually, in a pot. they're doing really well. i'm very excited about my token plant. the farmers market opens saturday, so that'll be fun too.
  6. if i could get a picture of all the times patrick's been taking care of hannah, i'd love to show you. i've been doing alot of hours at the church, and he's really taken up the slack. some times go better than others, but no matter what i'm so grateful for his help.
  7. patrick's picked up a new (or an old) hobby, since we ended our 3 seasons of lost that's kept us busy since christmas. he is working on model airplanes again, and it's so neat to see the progress. i think this first one looks great, but he says it's more of a practice run, so i'll take pictures later. if i ever find the camera, of course. it takes alot of time and focus, which makes the end result really special. i'm excited to see what he can do!
  8. we got new wheels, too. yes, i am a girl, because we've had the thing for a few weeks and i can't remember what kind it is. it's a silver van, with lots of room! at first hannah wasn't too sure about it, i didn't realize she could tell a difference in cars. but now we're all very attached to our new family member :-).

that's enough for now. we are really trying to make things work here, with premier. patrick is doing everything he can, and he has some potential things coming up. we are trying to be obedient, and waiting expectantly on the Lord, while working as hard as we can to do our part. thanks for your prayers. remember to wash your hands these days!


Senegal Daily said...

Dear God...Amen!

She's got the important stuff down :) thanks for updating. Even without pictures, it's great to hear how y'all are doing.

Brett said...

Hannah is so smart...I'm impressed! It's funny because one of our friends was just asking about LOST dvds last night...I said I would check with you guys to see if you were done...and you are! I know your super busy right now, but if you could send those to us...that would be great!