everybody was right when they said the easiest time was when she was really little. honestly, you can't turn your back on this little monster. she's pulling herself up on everything. she hurts herself alot, always got a bump on her head, because she can't sit down, she can only stand up. backwards, i know. so she'll let go and just fall down. anyways, that, combined with eating now, is making significantly more work for me! (would you believe i already want another one though? i love babies). i thought she generated alot of laundry before, it's nothing compared to now. i think more food still goes out than goes in. so far we've had bananas, cereal, sweet potatoe and peas. moving on, because i'm sure this is boring the vast majority of you. what can i say, my world is small right now.
this is my world. and i am more than ok with it. (most days! :-)
most of our house looks like the before picture on an hgtv project. we haven't done much decorating. but here's the kitchen. One of my favourite things is how it's open to the family room.
eating area, going out to the backyard.
and living room. then there's our bedroom, hannah's room, and a little study/spare bedroom. another of my favourite things is how our room is not right beside hannah's. so nice! we also have a laundry room. no more going out in the garage! speaking of the garage, today we (hannah and I) took 3 wks worth of trash to the dump. we hadn't had a trash pickup since moving in because it comes super early (around 6.30), and we've missed it. but our garage was filling up (because we had empty boxes and stuff), so i decided to do it myself. hannah didn't even help me unload! then again, at least she didn't complain that she was literally surrounded by garbage on all sides of her carseat. . .
thankfully, so far patrick's always been home in time to give hannah her bath and play with her for a minute before she goes to bed. they roughhouse already, at 6 months. she seems to like it though.
probably the best part of her day.
napping is not going so well these days. actually, it's terrible. now that she can stand, every time i put her down, even if she's almost asleep, she just pops back up. apparently it's more fun than sleeping. and whoever said it only takes 3 days to establish a new habit has never met my child. i think she has mine and patrick's stubborness combined. but isn't she cute? (since this picture, we've moved the crib down yet another level. )
believe it or not, hannah is not the big news this time. i am ridiculously proud of my husband for his recent lifestyle change. he has been SO consistent. (i'm guessing not all of you can say that about your new years resolutions!) he's a new man. he was at the gym at 7 am this morning. and he suggested we go to the state park last weekend. yes, him! he's eating so good, he's even helping me when i want to cheat. (which we did with marble slab, by the way, and it was so good!)
me and my granola baby. (just for the record, that thing is HEAVY).
so, patrick's been traveling, but only during the day. they have alot of demos this week, so hopefully that will go well.
i'm going to vermont with my family in a few weeks, but i doubt i'll get to ski alot. (something about a mini me that's never very far away. . . ) but there will be other ski trips, and i'll still get to be with my family. i actually read that attachment anxiety increases around 6 months. great. i didnt' know it could increase. oh, big milestone: she made it through the entire church service and my pager didn't go off. wow!
Ok, i just had to go rescue hannah from herself, again. the bulletin board hasnt been put up yet, so it's on the floor. she loves paper, so she pulled some off and put it in her mouth. thankfully it was the paper and not the thumbtack!
anyways, got to run. talk to you soon.
Hannah is so adorable! Just when you think she can't get any cuter...she does! We're glad that you guys are doing well...and that you're surviving all of the crawling, standing up, etc! You guys are such a great family!
I'm very impressed with the regularity of your posts - thanks! It's fun to see how you're doing as you settle into AL.
Keep the updates coming!
- Kate
I'm very impressed with the regularity of your posts - thanks! It's fun to see how you're doing as you settle into AL.
Keep the updates coming!
- Kate
Hey Crisps!!
I actually looked at this post the first day it was up, but was at work so decided to come back for a closer look. That 2nd picture of Hannah is great. And your house is really great - so grown up and all! All it needs is some big wicker art pulled from a trash pile and decorated with hair beads!
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