so one last merry christmas, and happy new year from the crisps. i seem to be having problems uploading pictures. not sure what the deal is. i didn't have very many anyways, becaus now that we have our video camera (yeah!) we took mostly video while we were gone. we only had one night at home from Dec 18-Jan 2, so we are glad to be here now. For a few weeks, at least.
We did have a wonderful Christmas in Canada, albeit busy and crazy with all the people. patrick finally had a white (and completely frozen) christmas, and we did all the usual stuff: ice skating, sledding, sleigh ride, snowmobiling, i even tried snowshoeing with my moms fancy shmancy high tech snow shoes. (i sank right through the snow anyways; too many cookies and eggnog, maybe? :-) we even spent a night at the cottage, where patrick helped make holes in the lake to get water, and warmed the seat up in the outhouse for me :-). it was an adventure. My nana and Bob got to meet Hannah, which was fun. right when we were finally getting settled and calmed down we had to leave. then we turned around and went to auburn, where things didnt' go exactly as planned, but c'est la vie. we're learning lessons along the way. we had one house we thought was just perfect, we felt so good about it, and then somebody else's offer got accepted right before (literally hours) we made ours. i was very sad. but we found another one, and are happy and excited. i like the area, and it's much closer to our families. the crisps are coming down to help us move, and i'm going to nc to see my family while patrick spends a week in florida for their annual sales meeting and training (i think). our house is under contract, but not done yet. it seems there are always things that come up.
January 1 we reached the 2 yr. mark in our marriage, and we thank God for his faithfulness thus far. we are excited about the newness of this year, and our move. all the opportunity!
I will post the new adress soon, and more pictures when i can get it to work.
1 comment:
Thanks for the update. Sorry to hear about the first house, but am the second one will turn out to be even better. (Remember the house hunt in Sindou and how much better the second one we found in Miname turned out to be?) Keep us posted!
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