being canadian, we have christmas crackers. not the food, but the little gifts inside a toilet paper roll with the loud popping thing. ok, not a good description. anyways, the tissue paper crowns are very important. lar made all of ours.

this is my nana, and hannah's GiGi. they met for the first time.

we don't have many pictures of patrick. i think he was mostly trying to stay out of the way!

out at the cottage, going for a walk. that's hannah under the blanket.

we went for a sleigh ride. and let me tell you, it was COLD. i'll put up video later.

christmas eve.

hannah enjoying her rocking horse

kennedy and parker on the snowmobile. i ran one of these into a ditch when i wasn't much older than kennedy. that was also the year i played the donkey in the christmas play my sisters and i put on every year. patrick finds that hilarious :-)

gibi lake. you can see the dock and the lawn chairs, so you know it isn't always this cold. this is one of my happy places. while in africa, i went here in my daydreams a million times.

when we first got to the cottage, we kept our coats on. who am i kidding, i kept my coat on the whole time. hannah was obviously not bothered by the weather.

just turn your head sideways to see my handsome man in his snowmobiling suit.

patrick taking me for a spin on the lake

my mom made hannah this beautiful stocking. she makes everybody's stockings. and the first year, the baby can always wear their stocking!

the sleeping cabin mom and bob made from the old shed.

the real cottage, that they've also done a ton of work on. my grandpa built this a long time ago.

meghan and kennedy.
so, i'm in charlotte and patrick's just back in tx for the night to load up the truck. desiree and i are driving down to auburn on monday. unfortunately, it's farther than i thought but still better than longview! patrick had a great time in florida, and is so excited about his new job. i haven't seen him this excited about anything since, well, me, i guess. and that was a really long time ago :-). he has only good things to say about his new colleagues, and is so confident we are where we're supposed to be. i'm off to bed because my little girl has taken to waking up every few hours again. i guess she just doesn't travel well. my next baby, we aren't leaving the house for at least a year!