we decided for our first child we'd splurge and pay for santa pictures. worth it, i think? we told them they could use her for their brochures. :-)

picking out our tree. after 3 christmases in the tropics, 2 in africa, and 3 in texas, i guess i'm used to getting my tree in shorts.

she's getting so big! and cuter every day, we think. very talkative. when we get a video camera (on our christmas wish list) you can all hear her talk.

yes, i broke out the tupperware cabinet. whatever works, right? i call her chewy. she isn't particular, everything goes straight in her mouth.

i had my last day at "work" if you call it that. the left is victoria, the right is janie, the two sweeties i babysat this semester. if my future children are half as good as they are, i just might have 5 or 6. (just kidding. but these three were entirely doable. their momma's done a wonderful job with them.)

we got our christmas box from the crisps. it was so exciting! but hard to be so far away. seeing as how we're having a gift of the magi christmas this year in our little family, we were so blessed by their thoughtfulness.

they do such a good job, i never have to fake it when i open presents from them. chocolate and beauty products: i'm in heaven :-).

she was much too interested in her toys to smile for me. nana and granddad did a great job. especially that absolutely adorable outfit. i love it! she's going to wear it every day it's clean.

a picture is worth approx. 2 hrs, in this case. i know it looks like a simple stove, but looks can be deceiving. this here represents the amazing man that is my husband. he worked on this stove forever. you should have seen it before. he also did all kinds of work on the house like cleaning out the gutters and powerwashing the whole thing. then he dealt with the yard people and the plumber, and extra expensive problems like all our pipes leaking. he's also trying to sell the house and find a new one for us. then his car breaks down again. and still working too support us. and yes, he's doing all this while studying for finals and preparing for graduation. like i said, amazing. i'm sorry he's taken, ladies. you're going to half to settle for second best.

so here it is, proof. there apparently was a house buried under all those pine needles. who knew?
we may end up renting it for awhile, instead. and we have some promising houses in alabama, as well. but pray for things to go quickly, because we'd like to see a house, put an offer in, sign the contract, etc and move in all in about 2 wks.
so graduation is tomorrow, and we're having a party on sunday. we will miss the grandparents who are snowed in without power or water. (first the tornadoes, now this!) we will be very busy for the next little while, but i'll try to keep you updated.