we went to the fair the other day, where hannah saw her first cow. i tried to find the smallest one. we also saw tigers, which was a first for the whole family. we wanted to go on the ferris wheel, but they were going to charge for her, even though she's just along for the ride. (get it? i know, i'm stupid)
patrick organized a fly-in (people bring their planes and give rides) and barbeque for his fraternity last week, and he's here multitasking. this is hannah's favourite position.
alas, she doesn't spend as much time here as i like, but isn't she sweet when she does? looks so little in that huge crib.
daddy helping nanners take a bath.
please, enough of the paparazzi already!
a big hannah smile.
so all parents know this story. you suspect a dirty diaper, you change her, you think you can contain it, you don't get a changing pad, just use the couch, but wait, she wasn't done. so jana grabs the closest thing, a walmart bag, we wait till she's done, and go straight to the bath. oh the joys.
alas, things are not always this peaceful. but it makes for a good picture, right? this is my world, right here. and i wouldn't change it for anything.
i started babysitting about 15 hrs/wk for a friend's two little ones. i can take hannah with me, and it's working out so far. keeps us busy. i also planted a fall vegetable garden, so hopefully i take the time to take care of it. if i do, we'll have our own lettuce, carrots, broccoli, and cabbage all fall. i also started playing in the longview youth symphony. i never practice, but it's fun anyways. patrick babysits for me. we also enjoy going to his softball games every wednesday. especially last night, because they won! i can't believe it's almost october. we are praying about what to do in december, when patrick graduates. we're excited to see where God leads us. thanks for taking the time to check up on us.
hannah has a beautiful smile!
Yay! Great update Jana! Hannah has grown SO MUCH & her smiles are great! We're praying for you guys as you prepare for the next season...sounds like you're doing good for now though! I think we're gonna start a new blog for both me and Jes! It's a fun way to keep in touch! miss you guys!
Yay for updates!! Good grief - she has grown! I still am not sure who she looks like, but is certainly cute and smiley - in the photos at least. Maybe if you put some glasses on her I might be able to tell if she looks like you ;)
You have such a beautiful family!
Your family is beautiful! Thanks for sharing your blog with me!
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