I'm sure as you read this you asking yourself "can this really be? Did they actually update this sorry excuse for a blog?" Followed by the understandable: "Well its about bloody time!"
Not that we have any excuse, but we did warn you at the onset that together we make the worst team when it comes to keeping in touch and connected with our friends and family. Actually, it has been our every intention for months to update this. Jana would say sweetly: "Honey, why don't you update the blog?" "You know I really need to do that!" Patrick would respond endearingly, but inevitably, it wouldn't get done. So, for those of you who are interested (Kari), I will try to give you just a brief snapshot into our world these last few exciting months.
When we last left off, we were looking at a house to buy, and thankfully we were able to buy and get moved in after the first of the year. The spring semester has brought with it many of its usual challenges, and some unexpected delights. The biggest delight and challenge has been the anxious anticipation of the coming of our newest family member, Hannah Grace, scheduled to arrive sometime mid-July. We would like to consider ourselves more prepared, but in all honetly, we aren't. (thank you J&K for the beautiful blanket, the postman dropped it off during this little update. I'm sure both my girls will love it!)
Work is work. Jana is still training at Personally fit, and works harder than any pregnant woman should. She's amazing, and I'm very proud of her! I'm still flight instructing and slowly putting hours in the log book while anxiously looking forward to graduation later this year. Although we're both incredibly busy, we are also incredibly blessed and couldn't be happier with our lives together. I know this is brief, but like I said, most of you already know how things are going for the most part. Once again, we apologize for our lack of communication, and we would like to do better in the near future. Thank you so much for caring, and we wish you the very best!