so, no particular order here. we found the downloading cord for my camera, but we only had a few pictures from christmas. i depended on everybody else's pictures, that we'll get soon so you can see. this is katy, a baby who comes for a fews hours tue/thur. she's a cutie patootie. very active, alot like hannah was.
this is my attempt at homeschool preschool. i got this map and had it laminated, then put pictures of our family so she can visualize where people are, and in relation to us. nana and pop pop are absent because the picture i printed out for them ended up being way too big for the map, so i need to do another one. but we didn't forget you!
this is one of my 2 new years resolutions. it's amazing (shameful, probably!) how the days can go by without me spending any real one-on-one time with my girl. if i'm not purposeful, almost all my interaction with her would be sit down/be quiet/eat/don't touch that and so forth. so, we came up with this little tool. every day she picks one idea out of the jar, and that's what we do. we've been playing with all her christmas toys and games that she needs an adult for. believe it or not, i have been much less OC about the house. patrick told me i don't actually have to sweep every day :-). so, i've been slacking a little with the housekeeping but i know 20 yrs from now i'll have made the right decision.
my little charlieman is doing great. he has another ear infection :-(, so he's been up alot more than usual. but he's a trooper. he now rolls over back to front as well! and he's very grabby. i used to always hold him while we're eating, but i can't anymore because he steals my food and spills my drink! and so strong. he and hannah are already friends. he laughs alot, more with daddy than with me. that's ok, i know my role and it isn't exactly the fun one :-). i'm hoping he may start sleeping through the night one of these days. . . He will be 5 mos next week!
at brett and jes's house, his makeshift bathub. it made me think of moses in the nile.
i think hannah was saying, now here's what goes on at christmas, emerson. just stick with me and i'll show you the ropes!
charlie enjoying one of his presents. (before hannah stole it from him very soon after and has really been enjoying).
so we all have our not so photogenic moments, eh? charlie had these two tufts right above his ears that were just getting really funny looking, so we finally cut them off. honestly, we didn't photoshop these pictures. it really was that long, just in that one spot.
hannah enjoying a bubblebath unlike any other!
my dad helped bunny out quite a bit with all those meals. i'm not sure what his role was with the turkey, but i know he did a great job!
my grandma was down from canada and it was so wonderful to spend time with her and to introduce charlie to her.
so, one day we went up to boone. they had snow upon snow upon snow. and it was cold. very cold. we were not adequately dressed. well hannah was, thanks to meghan. but as you can see, i had grocery bags tied over my target so-not-waterproof-$15-boots. that's my old church in the back, they have a huge hill there. boone (and the appalachian mountains) is my favourite place, and i really want to go back for more than one day. i've moved so many times i don't really have roots, but i feel strongly about there, for some reason. i really miss it still.
brave auntie meghan and hannah, sliding. we did the kids up with duct tape so the snow wouldn't get into their cuffs. my kids are not quite as hardy as hers. hannah lasted about 10 min. Emerson, on the other hand, was out for hours. she eventually just fell asleep in her little bucket sled. they're just little polar bears.
this is from before christmas, making gingerbread. i left to get charlie or something and came back to flour everywhere. predictably, i know. she communicates so well, sometimes i forget she's still little. oh, what can i say about Hannah? she is so independent, i've never seen the like. has quite the passionate spirit. if we can get through the next, oh, 15 yrs or so, i will be really excited to see what God has planned for her life! assuming we can channel all that fierce determination to do her own thing. i've got to go for now, charlie woke up!